This Crazy Industry

Or that if you’ve blocked someone they can’t view yours. Protecting your account is the only way to stop someone seeing them – but you have to trust that everyone whom you’ve allowed to follow you isn’t going to retweet your tweets without permission and give the game away. Many businesses allow volunteers to help out to give them the opportunity to see if they might be interested in having a career in that particular field. To work with sincerity and dedication to the best of my ability with the objective of contributing to the organization as well as enhancing my own personal growth and assure to give a professional environment to my colleague. Safety concerns. No temp should be left alone to work or do any sort of dangerous work unless the employer has seen the job done well. Work pressure is a standard element of each worker’s life.

So people celebrating that Twitter’s finally made the block function work are a little mistaken I think. Talk to an advisor or a professional in the field in which you want to work, and ask what special talents they think employers are looking for. I don’t think so. Yes, unless your profile is private anyone can view any of your tweets (other than DMs which only go between two people). Yes, they can do this by viewing your profile, searching for tweets sent to or from you, finding tweets in a hashtag stream or logging out. Currently it appears that on official Twitter it is NOT possible to search for the tweets of someone who has blocked you, and these tweets will also not show up in searches for hashtags. You can pre-emptively block someone who isn’t following you, but they can still read your tweets. This does not appear to affect third party apps (where profiles of someone that’s blocked you are visible too) and even if it did people can always see a blocker’s tweets by logging out.

If you block someone on twitter can they see your tweets? The only way to block someone from seeing your tweets is to make your account private (which means only people you’ve permitted to follow you can see them). Other than going private, is there a way to stop someone from seeing your tweets? These days there is a dearth of knowledge and competence with regards to career and its various options. Sherriann – If there is not a zoo near you to start volunteering at then you have a bit of a problem. There is no difference between the Americans and the Germans of Hitler’s time. Social workers can advocate for you and go to bat for you when you have a hard time doing it by yourself. People who have blocked you are hidden from official Twitter search results. Probably. If they can’t see your profile on Twitter dot com or other official Twitter app then they’ll know (and your profile page will now tell them that you’ve blocked them).

Update: this no longer works in official Twitter apps. Although this post has been around for a few years now it’s regularly updated because Twitter keeps changing what the block function does. Welcome to the updated version of this post. At the risk of lengthening this blog post to the point of ridiculousness I thought I’d try and answer directly some of the questions that people type into Google that bring them here. So before you start building from scratch, here are a few points to consider. Asking around like this might lead you straight to the person that you are looking for but if it doesn’t then you might have picked up some vital clues that could prove useful when you start your Internet search. The internet has the largest range of job offering sites that have positions vacant all the time. If they’re using Echofon for iPhone then they won’t know as it (at time of writing, 12 Dec) still shows the profile and doesn’t say anything about a block. At time of writing (4 January 2014) I don’t know of a foolproof way, without alerting them at least.