Tag Archives: lurks

What Lurks Under Microsoft’s Surface?

In 2017, a contract author created a faux listing on Tripadvisor for a restaurant, complete with photos, a menu and a website. I understand any investigation opened on any complaint I file on this website is initiated on the discretion

What Lurks Under Microsoft’s Surface?

In 2017, a contract author created a pretend listing on Tripadvisor for a restaurant, complete with pictures, a menu and a website. I understand any investigation opened on any complaint I file on this website is initiated at the discretion

What Lurks Beneath Microsoft’s Surface?

For example, network analyses revealed delicate differences in the group dynamics of two related equid fission-fusion species, Grevy’s zebra and onagers, dwelling in variable environments; Grevy’s zebras present distinct preferences in their affiliation selections when they fission into smaller groups,

What Lurks Beneath Microsoft’s Surface?

For instance, network analyses revealed delicate differences within the group dynamics of two related equid fission-fusion species, Grevy’s zebra and onagers, dwelling in variable environments; Grevy’s zebras show distinct preferences in their affiliation selections once they fission into smaller groups,